UI/UX Design
Our experience allows us to design robust interactions and user experience workflows that enable patients to make more informed decisions, with lower anxiety and uncertainty. Our team focuses on reducing errors and cognitive load resulting in increasing diagnostic competency. Our design process focuses on the user's needs, ensuring smooth interaction between the medical devices and the users.
Task Analysis
Brainstorming helps teams collaborate to solve complex problems. We are well versed in the techniques and skills required to conduct the session to help teams and clients work together and achieve organizational and company goals, which in turn help improve services and products. Brainstorming methodologies not only build in ideas but also helps improve the brand value of the company.
Information Architecture
Information architecture is the process of organizing and structuring data that will be included in a particular system or a product. Information architecture helps teams to segregate important information which the system should include keeping in mind the end users who are going to interact with the system or the product.
Visual Design
Visual design is a part of user interface design that product teams follow to enhance the desirability of the particular system by adding visual elements to the system. Elements like illustrations, colour pallet combinations, Font styles, short animations etc add on to the visual design of the product.
Heuristic Evaluations
Heuristic Evaluation is a way to test if a given system-Application or Website is user-friendly without testing with the users. Following the guidelines and Heuristic principles of usability, UX teams can make the system user-friendly and easy to use. 10 heuristic user interface principles that our UI/UX team follows to make the overall system better are- Visibility of the system, Match between the system and the real world, User control and freedom, Consistency and Standardization, Error Prevention, Recognition rather than recall, Flexibility and efficiency in use, Aesthetic and minimal design, Recognize, diagnose and recover errors, System helps the user in the documentation.
Brand Language
Brand language is used to describe the purpose of the company in reference to our products. It helps us connect our users to specific ideas or words of healthcare devices. It also helps us identify our products and differentiate them from the competitors.
Wireframe Development
Wireframes is the design phase of the UI/UX design. We expertise in creating low and High fidelity wireframes for a particular system. Wireframes are the skeleton of the entire system of the product. Wireframes do not include the visual design elements.
Interactive Prototypes
We create interactive prototypes to visualize the designed product or system. This helps the user understand all the elements included in the system. Prototypes are closer to actual products without the hassle of the backend investment. It helps teams and users interact with the system and take necessary actions or corrective steps before the system is finalized.
Embedded software
Given our strong expertise in UI/UX development, we deliver highly effective interactive apps. Beyond wireframes, we work with developers to provide functional embedded prototypes. Our capabilities to rapidly develop these prototypes ensure we can have a quick turnaround on complete functional applications. This ensures we can complete the product development lifecycle with by delivering a minimum viable product. This ensures a thorough end-to-end testing can be done for the project which was undertaken at the concept stage.